Emissions testing in phoenix, AZ can be an extreme annoyance. However, emissions testing can be an excellent opportunity to check several things in your vehicle that can have an impact on your fuel economy. There are also a few automotive repair procedures that should be done periodically that will help your engine remain at peak performance.

There are few things that can contribute to a failing emissions test score. Keeping up on these components can keep your fuel efficiency at maximum and keep your vehicle in excellent condition. We consider these types of repair not just a necessity for passing an emissions test; we consider them an investment in saving money on gas and keeping your car in good condition for the long haul.
These days, a lot of stock is placed on the fuel efficiency of any vehicle. Many people are surprised to find out that there are a couple things that your automotive technician can do to help you raise your gas mileage and lower your costs. No, were not talking about retuning the entire engine, we are talking about a few maintenance procedures which enable your vehicle to achieve top performance and run more cleanly.
Here are a few of the repair processes that should be looked at before your emissions test.
- Clean fuel injectors. – Dirty fuel injectors cannot create the fine mist required for a successful ignition. Dirty fuel injectors squirt a solid jet which sits at the bottom of the chamber and much of the fuel is wasted.
- Engine air filter – a clean air filter will make sure that there is no obstruction of air. Because there needs to be a specific mixture of air and fuel going into the combustion chamber, a blocked up air filter can cause a portion of the fuel to go to waste.
- Catalytic Converter – The catalytic converter is one of the components that your vehicle uses to reduce noxious emissions. One of their downsides is that they are prone to overheating if the level of unused gas from the engine is excessive. If your catalytic converter is no longer functioning, a replacement can help you with a passing score. However, finding the cause of the failure is very important before spending the money on an expensive replacement.
- Proper tire pressure – if the proper tire pressure will make sure that your engine is not working overtime to get the same work done. This will save you precious fuel in amounts that can be quite surprising.
Not surprisingly, your vehicle is actually designed to be relatively fuel efficient. The real trick is making that that your vehicle is operating at factory specifications to get the best fuel economy available.
Yes it’s true that we all have to go through the emissions testing, and few things are more shocking and annoying than a failing score. Save yourself the hassle of going for a retest, and save yourself some gas money in the process.
Don’t hesitate to call us today if you have any questions an emissions test preparation inspection. We will get your vehicle ready to pass the Arizona state emissions test